Maine Coon Cats

Maine Coon Cat Weight — Explaining the Weight of Legendary Gentle Giants

Maine Coon Cat Weight — Explaining the Weight of Legendary Gentle Giants
Aleksey Malov Director, MasterCoons Cattery

Being a cat lover, you're not the only one who wants to know how much a Maine Coon cat weighs. This breed is one of the biggest in the world, after all! While the weight can vary according to numerous factors, male Maine Coons weigh about 13 to 18 pounds, and females weigh about 8 to 12 pounds.

Besides this, some Maine Coons weigh more than 20 pounds. But being overweight can be bad for your cat's health and can lead to obesity. That’s why expert veterinarians recommend ensuring your cat stays at a healthy weight by feeding it well and making it exercise.

We'll look at things like "factors that affect Maine Coon Cat Weight" to learn more about their weight. This information will help you figure out why Maine Coons are so big, how to keep your cat at a healthy weight, and how to feed your cat right as it grows from a baby to an adult.

So, let’s get started!

How Heavy Can A Maine Coon Cat Get?

Ultimately, Maine Coon cats weigh around 13 to 18 pounds on average. However, some cats can weigh a little less or a little more than this number, which shows the average weight of these cats.

Overall, this number gives cat owners and experts a good idea of how much a female Maine Coon cat should weigh. It shows the normal weight range for this type and gender of cat, which helps people figure out how healthy and happy their Maine Coon cats are in the normal weight range.

According to the number, the heaviest Maine Coon cat ever reported was 35 pounds. As the average weight for a Maine Coon cat is between 15 and 25 pounds, it shows that this was a rare case.

Factors that Affect Maine Coon Cat Weight

Maine Coon Kittens


The weight of a Maine Coon cat can depend on its gender. A male Maine Coon will weigh between 15 and 25 pounds when it grows up, and a female will weigh between 11 and 20 pounds. Male Maine Coons are usually bigger and heavier than females.

One reason male Maine Coons are heavier than females is that they have more muscle mass and a bigger body generally. Due to the fact men and women have different hormones, their bodies and metabolisms are also different.

Although there are differences between individuals in the breed, it's important to remember that genetics, food, and activity level all have a significant effect on the weight of Maine Coon cats, regardless of their gender.


The health of a Maine Coon cat has a significant effect on its weight. A medical situation like thyroid problems or metabolic problems can affect your weight, among other things. Cats that are sick may have weight changes, either gaining or dropping pounds without warning. Regular visits to the vet are necessary to keep an eye on your pet's health and weight.

Diseases that affect digestion or hunger can change how many calories you eat and how well you absorb them, which can affect your weight. Taking care of a Maine Coon's health with regular checkups, shots, and other preventative measures helps them stay at a healthy weight, which increases their life and overall health.


What a Maine Coon cat eats has a big effect on its weight. The kind and amount of food they eat directly impacts their health. A well-balanced diet with healthy fats, high-quality proteins, and essential nutrients can help you keep your weight in a healthy range. Overfeeding can make someone fat, and not getting enough food can make someone underweight.

It is essential to control the cat's food intake based on age, size, and activity. To control calorie intake, feeding times should stay the same. Talking to a vet about what to feed your Maine Coon cat and keeping an eye on how much they eat can help them stay at an optimal weight and be happy overall.


The weight of a Maine Coon cat depends a lot on its genes. Purebred cats get traits from their ancestors' pedigrees that affect how big and how they look. People are genetically more likely to be in certain weight groups depending on their parents, lineage, and breeding standards. Breeders pick and choose which traits to keep, and size is one of them.

This can affect how much a Maine Coon cat weighs. Genes play a role, but things in the surroundings, like diet and exercise, also affect how much weight a person has. If you know a cat's genetic past, you can guess how big it might get and help its owners care for it in a way that allows it to stay at a healthy weight.

Exercise Routine

The activity level of Maine Coon cats can influence their weight. Maine Coon cats are noted for their playfulness and intense urge to hunt. As a result, their high activity level may contribute to more significant physical effort, which could reduce weight.

On the other side, if Maine Coon cats do not get enough physical activity, their weight may rise owing to lower calorie expenditure. As a result, when looking at Maine Coon cats' weight and overall health, it is critical to consider their activity level.

Maine Coon Cats and Obesity

Maine Coon Kittens

Yes, Maine Coon cats often get obese because they are big and like to eat a lot. You can expect them to grow bellies and get out of shape frequently, especially in their adult stage. That’s why we recommend proper exercising and maintaining a good diet for your Maine Coon to prevent obesity. People who own pets should watch their food and move to stay healthy.


The digestive system of a Maine Coon cat is robust and built to break down large meals quickly. Due to their past of being working cats, their digestive systems can handle a wide range of foods. But giving them too much food can put stress on their digestive system and cause problems like diarrhea or heartburn.

For healthy digestion, owners should ensure their pets eat a balanced diet that fits their level of exercise. Also, making sure Maine Coon cats have access to fresh water is essential so that they stay hydrated and help their digestive systems work well.

Big Bellies

Indeed, Maine Coons have large bellies. Being the most significant domestic breed, their stomachs are more extensive than other cat breeds. Besides that, they have bags in their stomachs like lions, tigers, and other big cats. When you look at your Maine Coon and see the pouch hanging down, you might think it's extra fat or that your cat is too heavy.

But don't let that scare you. The Maine Coons' belly pouch is a genetic trait that isn't dangerous to your cat and is part of their nature. It helps your cat carry on living if it doesn't get food for a long time.

How to Identify if Your Maine Coon is Overweight?

Observe Your Cat’s Shape

Firstly, pay close attention to the shape of your Maine Coon. Pay attention to the waist to see how small it is. Now that it looks completely round, your cat needs to lose some weight.

Your cat's fur might make it hard to see its waist, but you should also use your hands to feel around it. Try to see if you can see any precise curves in the waist. It would be best if your cat had some fat but not so much that you can't feel your hips.

Check your cat's bones to see how much they stick out. The hip bones, ribs, and spine should be easy to feel. However, looking at your cat from a distance, you shouldn't be able to make out its ribs. The ribs should be easy to see if you think your cat is underweight instead of overweight.

Watch How It Moves

How your cat moves can tell you a lot about how much they weigh. By nature, cats are speedy and flexible. They can move very quickly. Watch how your cat moves around because they cannot move as quickly when they're fat. Most likely, they are slowing down because they are overweight, but being sick or old can also make it hard for them to move around.

You should pay close attention to how your cat gets up. It's clear that weight is the problem when getting up from a sitting position is challenging. You'll also notice a difference when your cat gets older because older cats often get arthritis, just like older people.

As a result of this, your Maine Coon might need to lose some weight when it gets older because it won't be able to support itself as well.

Regularly Measure their Weight According to Age

For the first four to five years of their lives, Maine Coons usually grow slowly, so you can keep a close eye on them to make sure they don't gain too much weight. A Maine Coon Kitten can weigh 5-9 lbs, whereas the adult Maine Coon weight is considered to be 12-18 lbs on average.

You should be extra careful to make sure their weight doesn't go over or below the safe range because Maine Coons can get a lot of health problems when they are overweight.

The Bottom Line About Maine Coon Cat Weight

Maine Coon Kittens

In conclusion, knowing the average weight of a Maine Coon can help you understand how big and fast these beautiful cats grow. It's clear that Maine Coons are one of the most giant house cat breeds since males usually weigh more than females.

But it's important to remember that every cat is different and that genetics, diet, and general health can also affect a cat's weight. If you already have a Maine Coon or are thinking about getting one, knowing how much they weigh will help you understand and appreciate these fantastic cats even more.

Thank you for reading our articles and joining us in our Maine Coon kitten adventure! As the Director of this Maine Coon kitten cattery, I’d like to introduce myself and share some insights about our cattery.

My passion for Maine Coon cats ignited years ago when I welcomed my first Maine Coon kitten into my home. Their charismatic personalities, stunning appearance, and loving nature captured my heart, leading me to establish this cattery. Here, we prioritize the well-being, health, and happiness of our Maine Coon kittens. We uphold rigorous breeding standards, ensuring they are raised in a nurturing environment and socialized well. Our commitment extends to responsible breeding practices and collaboration with experienced veterinarians to maintain their health.

Our blog serves as a valuable resource for Maine Coon cat enthusiasts, offering tips on care, grooming, and delightful insights into their unique traits. We appreciate your support and encourage you to reach out with any questions or comments. Thank you for being a part of our Maine Coon kitten community; your engagement means the world to us. We look forward to sharing more about these magnificent cats in our upcoming blog posts.

Warm regards,

Aleksey Malov

Director, MasterCoons Cattery