European Maine Coon Kittens

Maine Coon Cat Male vs Female — Should I Get a Male or Female Maine Coon?

Maine Coon Cat Male vs Female — Should I Get a Male or Female Maine Coon?
Aleksey Malov Director, MasterCoons Cattery

One of the most well-liked and sought-after cat breeds worldwide is the Maine Coon. Given their extrovert demeanor and loving disposition, it is easy to understand why these amiable cats are still among the most sought-after house pets available today.

However, selecting a gender for your Maine Coon cat will likely be your toughest challenge if you are determined to adopt or buy one. Maine coon cats, male vs female, can differ significantly from one another, even if they are members of the same breed.

There are some clear behavioral and social differences between the two, in addition to the apparent biological ones.Since owning a cat is a long-term commitment, selecting the appropriate gender that fits your personality and lifestyle is just as important as choosing the breed, which you have most likely already done.

Let's now examine the main distinctions between the two genders. We'll give you even more advice and explain why you should choose a male or female at the end of the post.

Maine Coon Males — Masculine at its Best!

Maine Coon males may have more prominent personalities, in addition to being physically larger than their female counterparts. When it comes to "mommy or daddy and me time," they are more particular.

They want to hang out and are relatively friendly, requiring lots of playtime and excitement. These are curious felines who genuinely enjoy spending time with humans (indeed, it is amazing that there is a cat species that is more than just tolerant of humans).

Because males can weigh a few pounds more and are generally larger than females, they tend to be a little more needy regarding the amount of room they occupy.

Maine Coon Females — Affectionate Beauties!

Female Maine Coons are slightly more relaxed during playtime than male Maine Coons. They can be less demanding and prefer playing on their own terms. Some feel that female Maine Coons enjoy playing less than males because they are more focused and connected to the natural abilities that are ingrained into their DNA.

They prefer to conserve energy for hunting and are likely to be active during the moonlight hours in the dead of night. Despite being less active at home, female Maine Coons' personalities are more likely to be family cats than male Maine Coons because they bond more easily with multiple people.

Female Maine Coons grow to be slightly smaller by the time they reach full adult size (about 8 - 12 pounds). They are more agile than their male counterparts and frequently love climbing up to difficult-to-reach regions in the kitchen or exploring cabinets and under the bed for comfy sleeping spots.

What are the Primary Differences Between Male and Female Maine Coons?

Maine Coon Kittens

Size Comparison

One of the most giant cat breeds in the world is the Maine Coon. Even though they appear to be similar in appearance, their sizes can vary based on the gender. Male Maine Coons often weigh more and are larger than female Maine Coons.

When it comes to size, male Maine Coons can weigh anywhere from 12 to 18 pounds, while female Coon cats are typically 8 to 12 pounds. As previously noted, male Maine Coons are typically larger than females. Therefore, their living quarters would inevitably need to be more significant.

Remember that Maine Coons typically don't grow to their full size until they are four years old. When a Maine Coon kitten reaches adulthood, its size may become overwhelming for you to handle, but in the meantime, it may be manageable. Even a few inches might make a significant difference, particularly if you live in a small space.

The following table shows the size difference between male and female Maine Coons:

Average SizeFemaleMale
Weight (lbs) 8-20 15-35
Height (Inches) 8-14 10-16
Length(Inches) 19-40 19-40

Sociability and Friendliness

There is a common perception that male and female Maine Coon cats are more friendly than the average moggy. Male Maine Coons, on the other hand, are the most outgoing members of the species. This is because they like spending as much time as they can with their human family.

The female Maine Coon, on the other hand, is said to be more aloof and "cat-like" because they are content to spend a more significant part of their time in their own company. They appreciate human attention just as much as the male of the species does. Thus, this does not mean that she is anti-social.

Personality Traits

A male Maine Coon is the best choice if you're wanting to purchase a cat with a big personality and an outgoing disposition. While every breed has its exceptions, it is more probable that your male Maine Coon kitten will develop into an adult with a larger personality than a female kitten.

That isn't because female Maine Coons are uninteresting—quite the reverse. Instead, they are just different from their male counterparts, who tend to be far more independent, calmer, and less attention-seeking.

Regardless of the gender you purchase, nurture is ultimately crucial to your Maine Coon's entire development. Thus, spend extra time with them and promote lots of playtimes if you're eager to have a more attention-seeking, gregarious, and enjoyable Maine Coon cat.

Grooming Requirements

Grooming requirements vary between male and female Maine Coons because of variations in coat density and size. Male Maine Coons have bigger coats with a thicker undercoat, which requires more frequent brushing to avoid matting and tangling. Ideally, several times per week is crucial for removing loose hair, distributing natural oils, and preventing hairballs.

Female Maine Coons, on the other hand, frequently have much smaller coats with less undercoat, necessitating significantly less care. Brushing regularly is still necessary to keep the coat healthy and decrease shedding. Regardless of gender, both male and female Maine Coons benefit from regular grooming to promote healthy skin and coat.

Exercise Needs

Maine Coons, regardless of gender, are known for their playful and energetic personalities. However, their exercise needs may fluctuate slightly according to gender and personality. Male Maine Coons have larger frames and may need stronger training to maintain muscular tone and avoid obesity.

Female Maine Coons, on the other hand, have slightly lower exercise requirements, but they still benefit from frequent physical activity to keep their minds and bodies active. Ensuring adequate playing and access to toys and climbing structures can assist male and female Maine Coons in meeting their exercise requirements, increasing their general health and well-being.


For maximum health, both male and female Maine Coons require a protein-rich diet reduced in carbs and supplemented with vital fatty acids. Their nutritional requirements are roughly the same, though males may consume more food due to their larger size.

Maine Coon males often have a larger frame and more muscle mass than females. Thus, they may need more calories to maintain their energy and muscle tone.

However, the overall makeup of their diets, including protein, carbs, and fats, is consistent between genders. Owners must monitor their cats' weight and modify portion sizes to satisfy their particular nutritional needs and maintain good body conditions throughout their lives.

Price Comparison

When comparing male and female Maine Coons, one significant variation is the price. Male Maine Coons are generally less expensive than female Maine Coons. Individual cat prices are, however, influenced by criteria such as lineage, pedigree, coat color, and breeder repute.

While male Maine Coons can sometimes be priced somewhat higher or lower than females based on desirable characteristics, the overall price difference between genders is frequently negligible. Potential buyers should look for a reputable breeder who prioritizes their cats' health and well-being, ensuring a satisfying and fulfilling companionship for all genders.


Male and female Maine Coons have different play styles. Males are well-known for their lively and extroverted personalities and are always eager to play with their owners. They appreciate participatory games and may want attention for play sessions several times daily.

Female Maine Coons, on the other hand, are more choosy about playtime, preferring to initiate it on their own terms and timeframes. They may enjoy alone play or participate in toys and activities when the mood strikes, but they may not seek out play sessions as frequently as guys.

Independence and Stubbornness

When you look into the differences between male and female Maine Coon cats, it becomes abundantly evident that the male of the species has a reputation for being a little bit stubborn.

Therefore, if you are interested in purchasing a male Maine Coon, you should make sure that you teach them all of the fundamentals of the house while they are still young. When they reach adulthood, males become more challenging to train than females.

On the other hand, contrary to their male counterparts, females are generally seen as being more easygoing and laid back. As a result, they react more positively to being taught new rules later in life.

The Bottom Line About Maine Coon Cat Male vs Female

Maine Coon Kittens

Every single Maine Coon, regardless of gender, is an individual and possesses traits inherited from their parents as well as developing new ones based on their life conditions. In a family environment or as a companion for an individual, both male and female Maine Coons are equally as loving and affectionate.

Which qualities you may wish to see in a Maine Coon depends entirely on your personal preferences. Whichever option you decide on, you will undoubtedly have a fantastic, kind giant as a friend. To help you determine the gender of Maine Coon you prefer, try using this post as a guide.

Thank you for reading our articles and joining us in our Maine Coon kitten adventure! As the Director of this Maine Coon kitten cattery, I’d like to introduce myself and share some insights about our cattery.

My passion for Maine Coon cats ignited years ago when I welcomed my first Maine Coon kitten into my home. Their charismatic personalities, stunning appearance, and loving nature captured my heart, leading me to establish this cattery. Here, we prioritize the well-being, health, and happiness of our Maine Coon kittens. We uphold rigorous breeding standards, ensuring they are raised in a nurturing environment and socialized well. Our commitment extends to responsible breeding practices and collaboration with experienced veterinarians to maintain their health.

Our blog serves as a valuable resource for Maine Coon cat enthusiasts, offering tips on care, grooming, and delightful insights into their unique traits. We appreciate your support and encourage you to reach out with any questions or comments. Thank you for being a part of our Maine Coon kitten community; your engagement means the world to us. We look forward to sharing more about these magnificent cats in our upcoming blog posts.

Warm regards,

Aleksey Malov

Director, MasterCoons Cattery