Tabby Maine Coon Kittens for Sale

A Maine Coon Kitten
Vivien Available female
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A Maine Coon Kitten
Agnes Available female
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While there's a glut of characteristics that define Maine Coons, you will love to have a cat pronouncing itself. Yes, you read that right! Tabby Maine Coon cat is a species with a distinctive "M" imprint on the forehead which sounds like "Hey, I am a Maine Coon”.

Besides this, Tabbies have incredible beautiful patterns featuring strips and swirls throughout the body. It means you get a full manifest of spectacular coats and admirable aesthetics from Tabby Maine Coon Kittens for Sale.

Before you adopt one as a pet, its genetics, colors, price, and rarity will surely blow your curiosity. So, let's see what a Tabby Maine Coon is hiding in itself!

How We Achieve a Purebred Tabby Maine Coon Kitten?

You might have heard that tabbies are mixed-breed and are achieved using a hybrid process. However, Tabby isn't a breed; instead, it's a color pattern available in every cat species, including our beloved Maine Coons.

Maine Coon breeders involve Sire and Queens with the Agouti gene that determines the Tabby pattern. While the dominating allele expresses the Tabby pattern, the non-agouti allele lightens the markings. Henceforth, at least one parent must have a dominant Agouti gene; otherwise, it will lead to a solid color if both genes are recessive alleles.

Tabby Maine Coon Patterns

Classic Tabby Maine Coon Kittens and Cats

Classic Tabby are the authentic Tabby Coons known for their spotted pattern and butterfly-shaped motifs. You can identify the Classic Tabby Maine Coon from its signature rings around the legs and tails and swirls around the body. Not to mention, this pattern features the legendary "M" imprint on the forehead marking.

Mackerel Tabby Maine Coon Kittens and Cats

Classic is a beauty, but Mackerel Tabby Maine Coon is the trendsetter! The work "Mackerel" belongs to the Mackerel, famous for its horizontal stripes across the body. Like the fish, Mackerel Tabbies also have horizontal strips, or you can call them pencillings. But they still maintain their signature "M" on the forehead and ringed legs.

Ticked Tabby Maine Coon Kittens and Cats

While Classic and Mackerel Tabbies are full of markings, Ticked Tabby got its body free of them. They agouti Maine Coons with no or very less tabby markings on the body. However, you can notice their signature markings on the face, tail, and legs representing the specialty. Along with that, the fur of Ticked Tabbies includes multiple shades, including brown, red, and gray.

Colors Available in Tabby Maine Coon for Sale

Black Tabby Maine Coon Kittens and Cats

Black Tabby Maine Coon leads the list as one of the most beautiful tabbies ever. The primary black coat perfectly matches red and brown markings, giving it an immersive look. Additionally, you can also adopt a Black Tabby with Gray and Orange markings.

Unlike usual Black Coons, Black Tabbies have white or brown ears and nose leathers. Even the whiskers are primarily white, matching its bib and mouth.

Brown Tabby Maine Coon Kittens and Cats

When it comes to Tabby Maine Coons, Brown is a standard yet signature color. That's because the primary pigment in the genetics, Eumelanin, significantly results in a brown shade. You can also take it as a reason behind the presence of brown in almost every Tabby you see.

If we explore the Brown Tabby Maine Coon, it features an incredible blend of light & dark brown, orange and cream. You will fall in love with their almond-shaped eyes that can be of any color, from green, gold, and amber to odd eyes.

Orange Tabby Maine Coon Kittens and Cats

Orange Tabby Maine Coon cats symbolize the beauty of nature with their incredible looks and unique aesthetics. If you're a red lover, you can also call them a Red Tabby Maine Coon as considered by World Felinology Organization (WFO).

They have a beautiful deep orange coat patterned with white tabby markings and a solid white chin. Moreover, their signature brick red nose, leather, and ears create a distinguished personality.

Gray Tabby Maine Coon Kittens and Cats

Grey Tabby Maine Coon or Blue Tabby Maine Coon, whatever you call it, it makes sense! It combines light and dark gray/blue stripes aligned with white patches.

Undoubtedly, they have their "M" imprint on the forehead, but the markings also extend around the eyes and cheeks. Furthermore, tabby markings in Gray Tabby Coons can be inconsistent because they are available in all three patterns, including Classic, Mackerel, and Ticked.

Silver Tabby Maine Coon Kittens and Cats

Imagine what a white-faced silver Maine Coon with tabby markings will look like! Beautiful. Isn't it? Thanks to its lovely ghost markings, Silver Tabby Maine Coons stand out among all the tabbies. The presence of white around the eyes and in between the stripes and shoulder garnish further garnish its beauty.

Despite the presence of white, Silver Tabbies don't have blue eyes and pink noses. But you may find some cats with signature pink shades available in White Maine Coons.

Black Silver Tabby Maine Coon Kittens and Cats

Do you want to be more impressed with the Silver Tabby? Let's add some more black! As it looks like, Black Silver Tabby Maine Coons display a blend of Gray colors with indulged black markings throughout the body. It's like a pencil sketch of Silver Tabby but with deep black swirls and stripes.

Like the silver tabbies, Black Silver Tabbies are also available in Classic, Mackerel, and Ticked patterns, significantly affecting their overall aesthetics.

Are Tabby Maine Coon Cats Rare?

No doubt, tabbies are gorgeous cats and have their fanbase, but they are not rare. Whether you want a Red or Brown Tabby, you can quickly adopt one of the Tabby Maine Coon kittens for Sale. That's because the agouti gene required for the tabby pattern can easily be obtained from one Tabby parent.

Besides this, breeders only need one Agouti gene and can make both male and female tabbies available for you. So, get your favorite Tabby Maine Coon with ease, as there's no barrier of rarity!

Tabby Maine Coon Kittens Price

Since tabbies are not rare, you can adopt one on an affordable budget. Although you may incur an essential cost, Tabby Maine Coons are significantly less expensive than other patterns. Here what matters is the Maine Coon Breeder or cattery providing you with the cat.

We recommend you consult TICA and WFO-registered Maine Coon Breeders like MasterCoons Cattery for an authentic purchase. Our experts will deliver one of the Purebred Tabby Maine Coon Kittens for Sale with proper care assistance and documentation.

The Bottom Line on Tabby Maine Coon Kittens and Cats

A Maine Coon Tabby kitten offers the perfect blend of captivating appearance and wonderful personality. With their friendly, loyal, and intelligent nature, Tabby Coons are an ideal companion for a family with children and other pets.

Whether you're looking for a playful and affectionate feline friend or simply admiring their striking tabby patterns, tabby Maine Coon cats are a delightful addition to any household. Remember to choose a reputable source when searching for tabby Maine Coon kittens and provide them with the love and care they deserve.

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A Maine Coon Kitten
Agnes Available female
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A Maine Coon Kitten
Vivien Available female
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